21 Aralık 2015 Pazartesi

Dux Announced for Elecom Mouse MMO MMORPG Players

MMORPG game, especially a lot of key combination and type of game that requires a need access to them as soon as possible. Player equipment producing companies also continue to offer products to meet this need. He Elecom is one of these companies, has introduced new players mouse at the bottom Dux series.

Dux Announced for Elecom Mouse MMO MMORPG Players
Removable cable structure as a player that can be used with both wired and wireless mouse on the hosts with 19 buttons and 2 scroll wheel seems to meet the needs of MMORPG players. Firstly, the mouse will be available for players in Japan's sales price will be $ 116. If this player will come out on sale in the global market of the mouse is not yet clear.

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